Jail Education Services

Washtenaw ISD provides direct educational services to individuals incarcerated at the Washtenaw County Jail. Our programs include helping clients to improve their basic academic skills, prepare for the G.E.D test, and computer literacy.  Additionally, we work in partnership with Ann Arbor Public Schools Adult Education to offer High School Diploma Completion and with Skills and Ability Education under the WIOA grant to offer Career Pathways. Students with disabilities maintain their entitlement to FAPE (Free Appropriate Public Education) as specified in their IEP (34 CFR 300.1). Our programs are student centered, flexible, continuously improved, and designed to work within the context of the Washtenaw County Jail.  

Visit the Washtenaw County Jail Programs website for more information.

Jail education services contact information

Our Staff

Jenna Blair
CIY School & Interagency Transition Supervisor
Ph: (734) 474-8903

Thomas Rasor
Ph: (734) 476-0938

Robert Plumer
Adult Education Teaching Consultant

Liz Alpert
Transition Manager
Ph: (734) 478-8390

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ADA & Accessibility

Our School Strives To Ensure Our Website Is Accessible To All Our Visitors 

Washtenaw ISD is committed to providing a website that is fully accessible and we are currently in the process of developing a new website to better meet the needs of our customers. Our new website will include improvements to ADA compliance and accessibility, and during this transition, we remain committed to maintaining our existing website's accessibility and usability. 

ADA Compliance

Non Discrimination

It is the policy and commitment of the Washtenaw Intermediate School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, height, weight, familial status, marital status, genetic information, sexual orientation or any legally protected characteristic, in its educational programs, activities, admissions, or employment policies in accordance with Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments, executive order 11246 as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and all other pertinent state and Federal regulations.

Non Discrimination Information

ADA and Title IX CoordinatorADA and Title IX Coordinator
Brian Marcel
Associate Superintendent
1819 S. Wagner Road 
Ann Arbor, MI  48103
(734) 994-8100 ext. 1402
Cassandra Harmon-Higgins
Executive Director, HR & Legal Services
1819 S. Wagner Road 
Ann Arbor, MI  48103
(734) 994-8100 ext. 1311