Academic Behavior Team
Mission Statement
The County-Wide Academic Behavior Team seeks to build positive relationships with local teams as we collaborate alongside teams to identify the individual strengths and needs of students that will help them each reach their full potential in their least restrictive environment.
Collaboration opportunities include individualized and group training, district/building professional learning, side by side modeling and coaching, and shared information on best practices related to the diverse individual student and classroom needs.
Academic and behavior team scope of support

The County-Wide Academic Behavior Team seeks to build positive relationships with local teams as we collaborate alongside them to identify the individual strengths and needs of students that will help them access learning in their Least Restrictive Environment.
Least Intensive to Most Intensive:
Observations and Interviews followed by written summary (2-4 days)
Initial training on specific strategies for staff related to:
- Curriculum/Instruction
- Sensory Tools
- Social-Emotional Learning
- Speech and Language
- De-escalation Strategies
- Behavior Management
- Data collection and analysis
- FBA/PBSP development/revision
Ongoing support for your team through on-site meetings and/or "check-ins"
On-site shoulder-to-shoulder support in the use of strategies through modeling and/or coaching (8-12 weeks)